
Partners & Affiliates
--- Inner Peace

Friends of the Philosophical Research Society (PRS)
Promoting the study of Philosophy, Religion, and Science, the PRS
was founded in Los Angeles in 1934 by Manly Palmer Hall, author of metaphysical books, and peace teacher. The Friends of the
PRS oversee the management policies of the PRS and offer guidance for various community educational programs and events.
"Self-Realization Fellowship, a worldwide religious organization with international headquarters in Los Angeles, has been dedicated to carrying on the spiritual and humanitarian
work of Paramahansa Yogananda.Through our worldwide service, we seek to foster a spirit of greater understanding and goodwill among
the diverse people and nations of our global family, and to help those of all cultures and creeds to realize and express more
fully in their lives the beauty, nobility, and divinity of the human spirit."
The Happiness Institute "...was established in September, 2003 by Dr. Timothy J. Sharp.
Dr. Sharp (also known as Dr. Happy) is a well-known, highly regarded clinical and coaching psychologist who has devoted the
last few years of his career to building an award winning private practice from which he and his team have helped thousands
of people overcome problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia and relationship difficulties."
Paying It Forward Foundation Pay It Forward is a book, but it's also an idea.
It's an action plan within a work of fiction. But does it have to be fiction? We're hoping not. In fact, since the book was
released in January of 2000, a real-life social movement has emerged, not just in the U.S. but worldwide. What began as a
work of fiction has already become much more.
PeaceClinic programs are making a difference! The PeaceClinic Institute is a non-political,
non-religious, non-sectarian and privately funded educational organization. Copyright © 2001-2014 PeaceClinic
Institute for Consciousness Research. All Rights Reserved by Chloe Joquel Freeland, Founder and Director.