Partners & Affiliates
--- World Peace

The Jamie Leigh Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping United States citizens and legal residents
who are victims of crime while working abroad for government contractors and subcontractors.
...is dedicated to PEACE and spreading PEACE to anyone
who cares to listen. At 4 PEACE, it's all about PEACE. Thinking PEACE. Teaching PEACE. Loving PEACE. ----------
"...is evolving from antiwar to propeace building a culturee
of peace."

World Peace Technology (Orissa, India) "Inspiring world peace through the sustainable uses
of technology and ecology." The founder of World Peace Technology, Prof. Fani Bhusan Das, is also the author of
the book, Peace Technology and founder of the School for Peace Technology. As voluntary Director for the
PeaceClinic Institute in India, Prof. Das started the International Peace Technology Revolution in 2005 with several community
gatherings that we can all duplicate in our home towns. This organization (WPT) also maintains a supportive membership
for people wishing to learn how to become leaders in the peace activist world wide peace activism community.
The BTBH organization aims to send a positive
message to Congress about bringing troops home from the Middle East and ending the wars. They support U.S. troups by "empowering hundreds of thousands of people to get involved in the
peace movement in a non-threatening way." "The best way to honor their sacrifice is to Bring
Their Buddies Home."
This organization is "dedicated to finding
peaceful solutions to national and global conflicts" by protesting global injustice, war and other aggressive actions.
The Peace Alliance is a nonpartisan citizen action organization advocating for legislation
that supports a culture of peace. We work to foster positive, proactive change toward the creation of a more nonviolent and
peaceful world.
Domestically, the Department of Peace will develop
policies and allocate resources to effectively reduce the levels of domestic and gang violence, child abuse, and various other
forms of societal discord. Internationally, the Department will advise the President and Congress on the most sophisticated
ideas and techniques regarding peace-creation among nations.
The Peace Alliance Foundation
The mission of The Peace Alliance Foundation is to inspire and empower civic engagement
for a culture of peace. To accomplish that mission, The Peace Alliance Foundation is following a three-fold strategy:
Global Engagement - Foster and participate in the growing international grassroots movement for a culture of peace.
Civic Engagement - Empower and promote civic engagement through peace education and training, and promoting and sponsoring
events and programs that foster and demonstrate taking action for a culture of peace.
Peace Registry - Through research and information clearinghouse services, enhance awareness and understanding of a culture
of peace, including the extent to which it already exists, and provide capabilities for networking and co-working among and
with individuals and organizations working for a culture of peace.
"In an increasingly interdependent and complex global environment, My Global Village
is intended to serve as a portal or conduit for sharing, discussing, and transmitting a variety of timely information
that impact our daily lives."
Nonviolence.Org An independent activist web publishing, Nonviolence.Org is a Philadelphia based new media
Physcians For Social Responsibilityl Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is a leading public policy organization with members representing
medical & public health professions and concerned citizens, working together for nuclear disarmament, a healthful
environment, and ending gun violence. PSR is the U.S. branch of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.
Doctors Offering Charitable Services
(DOCS) A non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical
attention to those in need in our community
WholeHealthMD The site provides the best in integrative health and wellness solutions. Their
goal is to empower consumers to take a proactive approach to their own wellness. A team of consumer health writers and board-certified
physicians provides the site with a wealth of practical information and self-help resources for anyone wishing to gain
knowledge for their personal path to health, wellness, and longevity.
Gift for Sight This organization, created by LensCrafters, believes good eyesight is a basic human right, not a luxury, is a family
of charitable vision care programs that provides free eye care and glasses to those in need in our communities and in developing
countries around the world.
The Carter Center (President Jimmy Carter: 2002 Nobel Laureate) is a nonpartisan
public policy institute dedicated to fighting disease, poverty, conflict, and oppression. Founded by former President Jimmy
Carter and his wife, Rosalynn.
Fellowship of Reconciliation
The National Conference for Community and Justice NCCJ is a human relations organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry and racism
in America by promoting understanding and respect among all races, religions and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution
and education.
Global Exchange
Global Youth Action Network
Amnesty International
If there can be universal health care in the U.K.,
Canada, and France, we can create it in the United States of America! Peace is freedom from the fear of being
denied health care because of poverty or previous medical conditions! Join the revolution and help spread universal
health care to more countries.
Humanity In Unity
Peace Action
Crawford Peace House "...offers a culturally diverse environment for
spiritual growth and intellectual understanding that gives hope to humanity by providing peaceful alternatives to war." -----
American Voices Abroad
Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrow's Peaceful Tomorrows is an advocacy organization founded by family members of September Eleventh victims.
Its mission is to seek effective nonviolent responses to terrorism, and identify a commonality with all people similarly affected
by violence throughout the world. -----
Bruderhof Peacemakers Guide - Fighting For Peace "The Bruderhof Peacemakers Guide was created to inspire and empower you to work for peace,
and to arm you with living proof of the power of nonviolence to effect change and resolve conflicts. Some of the peacemakers
featured on this website are famous, others obscure, but all have dedicated their lives to building a more peaceful and just
world through nonviolent means." -----
Paying It Forward Foundation Pay It Forward is a book, but it's also
an idea. It's an action plan within a work of fiction. But does it have to be fiction? We're hoping not. In fact, since the
book was released in January of 2000, a real-life social movement has emerged, not just in the U.S. but worldwide. What began
as a work of fiction has already become much more. -----
Cultural Creatives Society CCS is an oasis, a place where people can have a dialogue around questions of
being and doing peace. A community of souls who care deeply about the survival of all species and the very planet we live
on. Contribute your ideas to the commnities forum.
Inter Activa Peace and Freedom Activists Listings
YES! - Youth for Environmental Sanity

PeaceClinic programs are making a difference! The PeaceClinic Institute is a non-political,
non-religious, non-sectarian and privately funded educational organization. Copyright © 2001-2014 PeaceClinic
Institute for Consciousness Research. All Rights Reserved by Chloe Joquel Freeland, Founder and Director.