Click back to Application page.
We appreciate your interest in becoming a certified peace practitioner by enrolling in the PCI Peace
Practitioner Certification program.
Purposes for PeaceClinic's
Peace Practitioner Certification:
The PeaceClinic Institute
is committed to a vision of a creating large numbers of people who are willing to learn how to become Peace Practitioners
throughout the world. A dedicated community of qualified peace teachers will guide and nuture your interest in all aspects
of peace.
The PCI goal for the certification process is to create a community
of trainers who want to work with PCI to fulfill our vision: personal growth, mutual support, a world vision, and credibility.
Application to Register:
We would like trainee candidates to know their purpose before beginning this certification
program. Please include the following items on page one.
1. Full Name
3. Phone
4. E-mail Address
5. Application Date
6. Statement (one-page) explaining why you wish to become
a PCI Peace Practitioner.
Please indicate in writing
that you have:
(a) Read and agree to follow
the PCI Guidelines
(b) Read through
the entire Certification Information procedure
Send a non-refundable
registration fee donation payable to: Waived
Chloe J. Freeland
960 Vine St., #101
Oceanside, CA 92054
Registration fees cover administration costs.
60 US$ General Public
30 US$ (Under 18 yrs and seniors)
Gift Certificates will be available
for programs starting in 2011. You will be able to purchase them at a discount in for friends, relatives or employees
to use in 2011.
Donations are always welcome instead
of registration fees.
Any amount will help us with Internet website, Email costs, postage, phone, course materials and
office supplies. Our entire staff is composed of volunteers. Registration fees go a long way toward keeping the PeaceClinic alive.
During October through December 2010 each $25 donation earns you two workshop gift certificates that you can gift
to friends or use yourself. You can purchase as many as you need. Thanks.
Send a donation
payable to:
PeaceClinic Institute for Consciousness Research
or to PCICR
Mailing Address:
J. Freeland
PeaceClinic Institute
960 Vine St., #101
Oceanside, CA 92054
Registration Completion