is the PeaceClinic Institute (PCICR)?
We are a community of people interested in promoting peace in the world instead of conflict
and abuse, and enslavement of humanity. Our motto is simply World Peace Begins At Home. Volunteers research the world
of peace education and conflict resolution. We will remain non-political, non-religious, non-sectarian and nonprofit (privately
about the PCICR?
The PCCRI was founded in the Spring of 2001 as a response to the Columbine Colorado school shootings that
were followed by other similar events in other cities like San Diego. Our main office is in Oceanside, California,
a sunny/foggy little beach town located between San Diego and San Clemente. It is near the Camp Pendleton Marine Corp base.
Chloe Joquel Freeland is the founder and Director as well as the creator of the PeaceClinic's various educational
and cultural exchange programs, the Peace Practitioner Workshops and Certification programs..
is the main purpose of the PeaceClinic and the Peace Practitioners Certification Workshop?
The PeaceClinic
Institute aims to provide educational resources for anyone who may want to learn about inner or personal peace, domestic
or family peace, or global or world peace.
Our Peace Practitioners are peace builders or peace teachers who may teach others in their own communities
better ways of getting along peacefully. Our Volunteer
Peace Practioners will be enabled or empowered to educate their families, coworkers, and neighbors about the three fold aspects
of peace.
Who are the teachers and advisors?
Vice President of Public Relations,U.S. Chapter Director
Graduate of the first
Peace Practitioners Workshop
Joquel Freeland
PeaceClinic Founder and Executive Director
Workshop Advisors: Domestic Violence
Susan Moore
President, former U.S. Chapter Director,
Graduate of the first Peace Practitioners Workshop
Prof. Fani Bhusan Das
first Peace Practitioners Workshop,
Chapter Director
James B. Harris (Message Mon
Vice President, Guest Consultant on Non Violence education.
Flock of Angels and Virtual Angels
Charles Collis
Consultant, Self Defense, Firearms Safety
of the first Peace Practitioners Workshop