History of the PeaceClinic Institute
1974 PeaceClinic Institute began as a book project by Arthur Joquel and Chloe Joquel. Art died that year and Chloe seached for ways of making their dreams come true. In 2001 she created
the first website for the PeaceClinic Institute and began to collect ideas for a peace teaching organization. She searched
old records and databases, talked to other peace educators, and finally launched the PeaceClinic Institute from her home/office
in Oceanside, California. Chloe credits the growth and success of the PeaceClinic Institute to
the many volunteers and Peace Practitioners throughout the U.S. and the world.
Arthur Louis Joquel II, 1919-1974 Anthropologist, Historian, Futurist, Educator, Author, and
World Citizen.

The Challenge of Space was published in 1954 by House Warven in Los Angeles.
Out of print, copies can be purchased through amazon.com |
Joquel was an author and educator in the fields of anthropology,
world history, United Nations studies, and Elizabethan drama. He taught in public high schools and community colleges in
California and Arizona. He wrote nearly fifty science fiction short stories, published a scifi magazine, and was known
to some of the most famous scifi authors including Forrest Ackerman. He organized two future studies groups and had supportive
friends who shared his desire for world peace. His closest friend and cousin, Robert Formhals, was an author and an attorney.
Their ideals and literary contributions to world peace and freedom movements have been an inspiration to all of us
at the PeaceClinic Institute. His first book, The
Challenge of Space, was published in 1954. A short story, the Cosmic Parallel,
appears in the book, Ackermanthology, compiled by Forrest J. Ackerman. Both are available through

Art loved to visit Olmec in Manhattan. Perhaps |

Forrest Ackerman with Art having fun at NYC SciFi Convention |

Art at the UN in NYC. Art had a press pass and used it to gather news from UNESCO, UNICEF, and WHO. He was
a managing editor at Grolier Inc. |

Art earned a MS in Television Production at NYU |
Arthur was fond of cats,
books, his students, Tibetan & Southwest Native American culture and arts, classical and ancient music, Sherlock Holmes,
Buckminster Fuller, and science fiction.
If you are
from NYC (Mensa, NYU, New School, Grolier), Arizona (friends of Frank & Poko Petek, Heard Museum, ASU), Los Angeles, (SciFi,
Philosophical Research Soc.), or Fresno (City College Dept. of Anthropology, Society for Creative Anachronism), you're home.

Princess Koko and Art at the end of a busy day. |

Art with first wife, Marie (R) and Chloe (L) |

NYU Graduation Day |

Art with Anthropology students at Fresno City College,1973 | | |

Dema Barnes, (L) Evelyn Joquel (C) Art Joquel (R) |

and Love, 1943 |
Evolution of Peace' Quotations
from The Challenge of Space about the evolution of world peace that will be included in the PeaceClinic's
first major publishing project, the PeaceBook.
Formhals (L) and Arthur Joquel (R) 1953 |
Sir Robert W. Y. Formhals,
Robert Formhals, author, educator, and attorney, achieved
the position of Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitalers,
one of the Orders of the White Cross. His book, White Cross: Story of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem,
with particular emphasis on the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller since 1964 under Royal Charter
of Peter II, King of Yugoslavia. Sanghals Publishers, Camarillo, California, USA, 1978. Dr. Joquel and Sir Formhals received
a charter from the State of California (1974) for the establishment of a College of Humanitarian Studies. Both men promoted
peace and cultural diversity.
Poko Petek, 1919-1972, Artist/Painter Beverly Petek, became
a respected painter of Southwestern Native American sacred tribal ceremonies. Her work has appeard in Arizona Highways
Magazine (1972) and on the cover of a Grolier publication, the Science Yearbook (1969) and other art
publications. Invited to ceremonial dances, she could not photograph them. She sketched the "snake dances" and "rain dances"
from memory. Poko lived in Phoenix, Arizona and traveled to Hopi and Navajo reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. Her love
and tolerance for all spiritual beliefs inspired the Founder of the PeaceClinic Institute.
Chloe Joquel Freeland, Founder
and Director of the PeaceClinic Institute, believes that world peace begins at home with the
individual. She has dedicated her life to making a difference in lives of victims of violence, abuse and neglect. She
encourages public awareness of the three fold aspects of peace.
Her first volunteer for the PCI was her late husband,
Rich Freeland (1939-2005). Rich encouraged her to develop the ideology for the PCI and he often wrote press releases and took
photos of the PeaceClinic's local activities. He was a fantastic entertainer, guitarist and vocalist. He made us all happy
and we miss him very much.
Chloe offers free counseling sessions through her own company, Creative Coaching Institute to victims of domestic violence and other violent crimes.
In 2004 she founded the Cultural Creatives Society, an
organization dedicated to the exploration of innovative and creative ideas for the betterment of people everywhere. Contact:
PeaceClinic programs are making a difference! The PeaceClinic Institute is a non-political,
non-religious, non-sectarian and privately funded educational organization. Copyright © 2001-2014 PeaceClinic
Institute for Consciousness Research. All Rights Reserved by Chloe Joquel Freeland, Founder and Director.