Interview: Prof. Fani B. Das on World Peace Technology
March 2008, Orissa, India
CHLOE JOQUEL: Who is Fani Das?
PROF. DAS: Fani Das is a conscious fraction of the
universe attached to planet earth. I have been given the responsibility (by the “Constituents of Consciousness" which
are holding various parts of the universe together) to spread the message of scientific and technological dimension of Peace
linked to science of spirituality; as an absolute energy to erase the word ”violence” from the minds of 6.6 billion
people of the present turbulent world. I see myself as a member of “Commonwealth of Nature” to contribute for
creation of peaceful and sustainable societies, learning the lessons from universal laws and the ecosystems which have done
it for billions of years. In short, I am a Peace Lover, Peace Activist, Peace Technologist and above all a Peace Teacher.
CHLOE: How did you first get the idea of working
for world peace? What inspired you as an engineer to work for a peaceful society such as local or international events?
had profound experience from strolling in the deep forest, sea and gazing at the stars, moon and sun etc in the sky where
all the boundaries faded away and I belonged to a larger whole, a cosmos which is dynamic, alive and in continuous motion
patterning all biotic and abiotic elements of the universe with the energy of peace. All such experience, first stimulated
my mind to derive idea of working for world peace.
As an engineer, I developed different perception of engineering—a skill not only to produce objects of Matter like
road, bridge, house, industry etc. but conceptualized that the objects of Matter as merely the means to achieve some higher
end. I tried to link my engineering skill with it roots which is the hierarchical level of the energy pyramid, at the vortex
of which is the Absolute Energy of Consciousness "AEC” and at the base of the pyramid “MATTER ENERGY ”exists
which produces all kinds of Matter objects we see all around us. This further ignited my mind to take up deep study of “science
and technology of consciousness” through my conceptual framework that integrates science of matter with science of spirituality
having genetic, biological, technological, cognitive and social, economic and environmental attributes of life.
life experience regarding personal turmoil, domestic violence, violent crime, world conflict had you had that influenced your
decision to write Peace Technology?
my path of life, I have gone through a turbulent period since my childhood. As a child, the devastation of second World War
and communal violence (to which I was a victim) have been imprinted in my mind. The experience of child sexual abuse, which
I had tolerated calmly also left impression in my life was also confronted with the conflict of right and wrong. In my grown
up stage to date, I have become a victim of jealousy even as some right thinking people of the world appreciated my innovative
ideas and actions. I have suffered and suffering by revengeful actions of those intolerant violent people who are bent upon
harming me for my thought and action in conformity with the laws of universe. "Justice delayed is justice denied" has become
part of my life. Realizing my role as a conscious fraction of Whole, instead of harboring any ill-feeling among such people
hating me, I feel pity for them and started thinking of reforming such people throughout the world by generating positive
(Cosmic) thought power and started translating the same into action to improve the quality of millions of people with peace
power—thus coining the word “Peace Technology” and started writing about it as I am convinced that only
through technology of peace, the violent people and the world can be reformed to adopt peace as an integral part of their
life style.
CHLOE: What did you do in the beginning years of
the peace technology process?
the beginning years of peace technology process, I analyzed and meditated deeply my own life experience and linked it to knowledge
I gradually derived by reading a large number of books on religion, science, energy, spirituality, ecosystems and social,
economic, political and environmental status of the evolution of the world to date. Slowly and gradually alternative ideas
of reform engrossed my mind. The process reconnected me to Nature which taught me about the sustainable and peaceful functional
relationship between elements of universe—a system where everything is interdependent and all matter and spirit move
in a complex web of life where no single variable is maximized beyond the regenerative capacity. On the other side, I see
before my eyes how human beings maximized certain variables—population, resource use, consumption and trying to grow
their economies indefinitely putting the planet earth and people under stress resulting in a violent world.
CHLOE: How did you happen to partner with the PeaceClinic
PROF. DAS: While
searching the net, I came across a great Peace organization, The PeaceClinic Institute which is totally dedicated to the cause
of peace. Further, I found that the responses of the mind of Ms.Chloe Joquel, the founder of the PeaceClinic, and myself are
in the same mental wave length. And soon we became partners in world peace movement. The relationship became stronger when
Chloe became the Co-founder of our global website in which every month from Dec 2006 onwards an e-communicator PEACE PATH FINDER
is hosted in the site. To visit Peace Path Finder, now an independent site at has been hosted where Peace Path Finders of all the months can be accessed.
CHLOE: How did
that association influence or help you as a teacher, writer, lecturer?
am extremely grateful to the PeaceClinic for accepting me as an associate of the organization that awarded me the PeacClinic
Peace Prize Star Award in 2005. I have enriched and am enriching myself on a continuous basis from the knowledge bank of PeaceClinic
which has empowered me to access unfathomed depth of well of peace and thus I have built up my capacity as a peace teacher.
Further now, I am in touch with people and peace organizations all over the world and have been networked with many peace
institutes and organizations in different countries.
does the book, Peace Technology hope to achieve for India and the world?
PROF. DAS: The ideas contained in my book, Peace
Technology, hope to achieve (a) security (personal, food, livelihood, shelter and other socio-economic needs to lead
a peaceful life) (b) comfort with a sense of enoughness so that each and every world citizen have easy access to basic need
in a peaceful manner and not through wars and conflicts. (c) true happiness (not virtual) through objective ideas of Peace
Technology and its constituents like consciousness, spirituality, morality, sharing and caring, freedom and justice etc. The
technology does not recognize the artificial boundaries of the countries and the infinite power of peace is evoked to create
a peaceful world without boundaries and with one human global family.
CHLOE: What is new and different about your newest
book, Ideas Patterning World Peace?
PROF. DAS: My proposed book ”Ideas Patterning
World Peace” is new and different from the current peace thought process of the world. The book attempts to evolve
concrete ideas which can be practically implemented for a changed mind set of humanity to incorporate peace as an integral
component in each and every human activity to create prosperity with peace for all without any discrimination. As the world
is changing continuously, the ideas advocated in the book are eternal and can be applied today as well as ever changing world
of future; generation after generation. Change is always accompanied by injury. Time management for patterning world peace
will expedite the process of healing the injuries, purifying both biotic and abiotic elements of the world and ultimately
unify all the processes enabling the humans to lead a life with wisdom and progressive consciousness leading to global culture
of peace.
support are you receiving from colleagues and society in general in India?
I am trying to be at peace in my “inner self” and to contribute to domestic and global peace, I must be truthful.
The truth is that I hardly receive any support from my colleagues and society in general in India as almost every one is running
after the mirage of acquiring virtual wealth. But I am indebted to those few who can be counted in finger tips in India who
have started realizing the merit and absoluteness of my ideas especially the concept of convergence of Science Of Matter with
Science of Spirituality for accrual of sustainable peace.
role can India have in creating peace and averting war in Asia?
PROF. DAS: India
with longest civilization of 5000 years in the world can play an active role in global peace building process provided it
restarts its access to knowledge and techniques of peace cultivation that is buried with heavy glamorous debris of subsequent
cultures (tried to imitate foreign culture) of the country shadowed by showmanship and glorification of virtual wealth creation
through the mindset that dictates to fall in line with the concept of “economies should grow indefinitely” by
any cost. India should be bold enough to drift away from the present so called process of modernization and develop skill
to dig out peace-building based knowledge from its conscious legacy of the past, sustainable and peaceful culture. India must
be allowed to occupy its due status to effectively participate in world affairs through global empowerment process, so that
it can demonstrate power of peace to avert war not only in Asia but in the world as a whole.
CHLOE: Why have all attempts at peacemaking failed
so far. I am thinking of the middle east, especially Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, etc.?
is very correct that peace making efforts have failed everywhere including Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and all other places. The crux of the problem of peace making
has fallen prey to political dominance and dogmatic approach, not providing opportunity for civil societies to sow the seeds
of peace. In addition, natives of the countries who took over power to rule their own people were more interested in gluing
to the power at any cost instead of protecting the interest of the people. As a result people revolted and and took advantage
of such internal turmoil of foreign powers that occupied the territories for hundreds of years. Such foreign powers further
exploited the people and the land and grabbed the resources and utilized them for their personal interest and for the interest
of their own countries. In the process, such encroacher countries became more powerful and as a result “third world”
countries emerged struggling for mere survival. In course of time the local people revolt again to free themselves from foreign
power. Although many countries have freed themselves from foreign clutches but due to internal conflicts, the powerful countries
directly or indirectly intervened again in the internal affairs of the poor and weak countries through various forms of violent
actions like war, cold war and terrorism etc.
It appears that hardly anyone is genuinely interested in peace of people. Political ideologies are changing for vested
interest and silently becoming more and more violent. Promoters of political ideologies take advantage of the weakness of
turbulent societies and keep their efforts wielding power at the cost of all humanitarian values and peace. The only objective
is to be in power and to rule people has created a psychic for which peace making efforts have failed. Peace is pushed back
to the status of “subjective” as a result there is an intellectual void to accepting peace as “objective”.
All peacemaking efforts have become merely war of words and recorded documents/agreements pushing peace away and away from
the people, which very is well suited to whom so over come to rule the people.
CHLOE: In a country like the U.S where so many people
do nothing to stop the five year occupation and conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, how can peace teachers ever gain any influence.
Most people either do not know or care about the damage done and the horrors to come. Would you agree?
is a billion dollar question — “how peace teachers gain any influence”. The peace teachers have to activate
the consciousness of members of civil societies. You have said correctly that peace is to be taught from womb to tomb. Then
only after the civil society will be awakened and will overpower the present rulers having least interest in peace making
process. The Peace teachers have to come out with new ideas to imprint in human minds that peace is the most vital and crucial
life-support system. The Peace teachers will gain influence if they teach more of science and technology of peace and prove
that peace is conscious science and achievable through the convergence of science of matter with science of spirituality.
CHLOE: Why are
people so complacent? We cannot mandate intelligence or responsibility. How can you reach those who will not learn that war
does nothing to make the world better? The U.S. alone has spent $3,000,000,000,000 (3 trillion) over the last five years in
the current war in Iraq. That seems obscene when so many are starving or suffering from lack of medical care?
people are complacent because the civil society is indifferent to the cause of peace and the Peace teachers have yet to ensure
to make peace education mandatory in all human activities and all professions. The U.S. has spent US$3 trillion over last
five years in the current war in the Middle East. The civil societies have not made adequate efforts to convince U.S. that
US$3 trillion could have been spent for the security, comfort and happiness of the people in the middle east. A prosperous
territory with peace would have been developed.
summarize your feelings about the state of the world in general and the prospect for any kind of sustainable peace anywhere.
PROF. DAS: The state of world today is floating
in “3Gs”—“Globalization”, ”Greed” and “Glamour”. From Cold war to Globalization
— another experiment in human civilization with lofty ideals of creating a “global village”. But reality
is something different. Globalization has been misdirected towards Greed creating the urge to acquire more and more for oneself
at the cost of suffering for millions. People have fallen easy prey to glitters and are attracted to virtual glamorous forms
with violent content (like flying insects are attracted to flame of a candle) in every sphere of life starting with behavior
and thought to actions and relationships. The impact of “3Gs” has given rise to increasing helplessness to access
true security, comfort and happiness. As a result Peace is eluding mankind. Radicalism and fundamentalism have increased many
fold. Although the increase of production of material goods has increased along with mobility, a highly transient and violent
society is emerging. Unless immediate corrective measures are initiated the “doomsday” will not be far away.
The prospect for sustainable peace has to be developed by making the civil
societies conscious about their responsibility to discharge “ultimate reality” of life which is the sustainable
peace and nothing but that. All the peace organizations of the world should be networked to advocate and teach collectively
one language and grammar of peace to empower the civil societies so that Peace is not only talked about only after war and
violence etc. so the impulses of sustainable peace can be imprinted in the neural plate of each human being in the mother’s
womb and then further developed in the path of life till the destination of tomb is reached. With this approach and reformed
conscious life style, the prospect of peace will improve in every corner of the world. There is no other alternative to this
if the humanity desires to live in sustainable peace.
CHLOE: Thank you for your interesting and practical
thoughts on how all the people of the world can share in the persuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Readers can now write to Prof. Das via and visit his peace site at
and read his monthly essays at
Thank you for your interest in the peace movement and the PeaceClinic Institute's
work as we help peace practitioners think globally and volunteer locally. You can also join in peace discussions at our international
peace forum that is hosted by Yahoo! Groups.
- Chloe Joquel Freeland,
Founder of The PeaceClinic Institute