Susan Moore, Atwood, Tennessee
- Advocate for victims of domestic violence
- Director, Eastern Regional Chapter of the PeaceClinic Intitute
- Advocate for humane treatment of animals and pets
- Author, feature articles on peace makers world wide
- Volunteer, The Flock of Angels Foundation
Prof. Fani Bhusan Das, Cuttak, Orissa, India
- Author of Peace Technology
- Founder of the School of Peace Technology
- Professor Emeritus and Head of the Innovation Centre
in Ajay Binay Institute of Technology –
Piloo Mody College of Architecture, Cuttack, Orissa, India
- Director, PeaceClinic Intitute India Chapter
Bernice Jepson, Minnesota
- Author of the book,
I'm Not That Way Anymore
- Speaker, Rights of Abused and Molested Children
- Advocate for victims of domestic
- Member of the PeaceClinic Intitute Virtual Volunteers
- Peace Prize Award 2005, Peace Star photo
Joseph John Campbell (1904-1987)
- Educator, Mythologist, Anthropologist, Futurist, Author
- See: Joseph Campbell Foundation
Wendy Watters, Tucson, Arizona
- Peace Activist, Journalist and Videographer
- Anthroplogy Student, University of Arizona
- Volunteer, Yonose Foundation
- Director, Southwestern Regional Chapter of the PeaceClinic
Gladys Marrero, Vieques, Puerto Rico
- Volunteer, Vieques Humane
Society and Animal Rescue
- Board Member, VHSAR Fundraising and Translating
- Offers short term shelter for victims of domestic violence
- Member of the PeaceClinic
Intitute Virtual Volunteers
Ceil Lane, Alamagordo, NM
- Founder of the Helping Paws Sanctuary, Alamagordo, NM
(for pets as victims
of domestic violence)
- Enabled women to escape violence without abandoning their pets
- Member of the PeaceClinic Intitute Virtual Volunteers.
Denise Brown, Dana Point, CA
- Founder of the Nicole Brown Charitable Foundation
- Victims Advocate
in the the field of Domestic Violence
- Speaker and Educator on
Abuse Prevention and Survival
- Inspiration for the book, Stop the Violence
Loren Corey Eisley (1907-1977)
- Educator, Anthropologist, Poet, Philosopher
- Author, best known for The Immense Journey
- Combined science and
- See: University of Nebraska's Friends of Loren Eiseley