PeaceClinic Institute for Consciousness Research (PCICR)

Peace Star Awards

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PeaceClinic Institute for Consciousness Research (PCIRC)

Peace Star Emblem
Peace Prize Awards
Peace Stars

The PeaceClinic Institute honors some extremely dedicated peace teachers who have inspired others to volunteer their time or contribute in other ways to the benefit of this and other grassroots peace organizations.  It is time to formally recognize their significant compassionate works as peace advocates and community leaders.  We hope that their efforts in peace will inspire more people to become peace makers and advocates for those victims of violence who have no voice.
The persons listed below have helped the PeaceClinic Institute  prosper during an era of wars and domestic terrorism. We now honor them with the PeaceClinic Institute Peace Star Award. 
Congratulations and thank you!
- Chloe Joquel-Freeland, Founder/Director of The PeaceClinic Institute   
 The PeaceClinic Institute
 Peace Prize Awards 2010
Peace Star Recipients

starfish.gifTo be announced.
     - Peace Practitioner

starfish.gifTo be announced.
     - Peace Practitioner

starfish.gifTo be announced.
     - Peace Practitioner

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 The PeaceClinic Institute
 Peace Prize Awards 2005

Peace Star Recipients

starfish.gifSusan Moore, Atwood, Tennessee
     - Advocate for victims of domestic violence
     - Director, Eastern Regional Chapter of the PeaceClinic Intitute 
     - Advocate for humane treatment of animals and pets
     - Author, feature articles on peace makers world wide
     - Volunteer, The Flock of Angels Foundation 

starfish.gifProf. Fani Bhusan Das, Cuttak, Orissa, India
     - Author of Peace Technology 
     - Founder of the School of Peace Technology

     - Professor Emeritus and Head of the Innovation Centre
          (EKISTICS) in Ajay Binay Institute of Technology
          Piloo Mody College of Architecture, Cuttack, Orissa, India 
  - Director, PeaceClinic Intitute India Chapter

starfish.gifBernice Jepson, Minnesota
     - Author of the book, I'm Not That Way Anymore 
     - Speaker, Rights of Abused and Molested Children
     - Advocate for victims of domestic violence
     - Member of the PeaceClinic Intitute Virtual Volunteers
     - Peace Prize Award 2005, Peace Star photo

starfish.gifJoseph John Campbell (1904-1987)
     - Educator, Mythologist, Anthropologist, Futurist, Author
     - See: Joseph Campbell Foundation

starfish.gifWendy Watters, Tucson, Arizona
     - Peace Activist, Journalist and Videographer
     - Anthroplogy Student, University of Arizona
     - Volunteer, Yonose Foundation 
     - Director, Southwestern Regional Chapter of the PeaceClinic 

starfish.gifGladys Marrero, Vieques, Puerto Rico 
     - Volunteer, Vieques Humane Society and Animal Rescue
     - Board Member, VHSAR Fundraising and Translating
     - Offers short term shelter for victims of domestic violence
     - Member of the PeaceClinic Intitute Virtual Volunteers

starfish.gifCeil Lane, Alamagordo, NM
     - Founder of the Helping Paws Sanctuary, Alamagordo, NM
          (for pets as victims of domestic violence) 
     - Enabled women to escape violence without abandoning their pets
     - Member of the PeaceClinic Intitute Virtual Volunteers.

starfish.gifDenise Brown, Dana Point, CA
     - Founder of the Nicole Brown Charitable Foundation 
     - Victims Advocate in the the field of Domestic Violence
     - Speaker and Educator on Abuse Prevention and Survival
     - Inspiration for the book, Stop the Violence 

starfish.gifLoren Corey Eisley (1907-1977)
     - Educator, Anthropologist, Poet, Philosopher
     - Author, best known for The Immense Journey
     - Combined science and humanism
     - See: University of Nebraska's Friends of Loren Eiseley


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 The PeaceClinic Peace Prize Awards 2004

starfish.gifDr. Arthur Louis Joquel II (1920-1974)
     - Educator and Author of  The Challenge of Space
Author: Cosmic Parallel, (see Ackermanthology)
     - Anthropologist, Futurist, SciFi Writer
     - United Nations Scholar and Human Rights Advocate  
     - Inspired the concept of the PeaceClinic Institute 

starfish.gifKerry Museus 
     - PeaceClinic Intitute Regional Chapter Director 
     - Victims Advocate and Peace Teacher
     - Increased awareness of PeaceClinic educational programs 

starfish.gifJames B. Harris, II
     - Founder, The Flock of Angels Foundation
     - Recording Artist, Songwriter, (J. Harris Band
     - Sponsor, Nicole Brown Charitable Foundation
     - Sponsor, Memorial Season, honoring victims of violence
     - Producer, Freedom Peace Jam, anti-violence music festival
     - Friend of the PeaceClinic community 
     - Biographical Info  and  Peace Star Certificate 

starfish.gifAmy Goodman
     - TV and radio news host for Democracy Now! 
     - Investigative Journalist and Author of The Exception to the Rulers
  - Human rights, government accountability, media responsibility issues

starfish.gifBeverly Petek (1919-1972)
     - "Poko" was a Painter of Native American sacred ceremony 
 Expert in Hopi and Navajo ceremonial art
     - Native American and Oriental Cultural Awareness
     - Student of comparative religion, mythology and folklore

starfish.gifRobert Formhals (1921-1992)
     - Educator, Author, Historian, Attorney, Peace Advocate
     - Chivalric Orders and Heraldry Scholar
     - Author, White Cross : story of the Knights of Saint John
                    of Jerusalem 

     - Ombudsman and Mediator for community organizations

PeaceClinic programs  are making a difference!
The PeaceClinic Institute is a non-political, non-religious, non-sectarian and privately funded educational organization.

Copyright © 2001-2014  PeaceClinic Institute for Consciousness Research. All Rights Reserved by Chloe Joquel Freeland, Founder and Director.