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April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Missouri had 51,800 reports of child abuse and neglect last year. Officials all residents to watch out and report child abuse in neightborhoods.  more...  (Special Thanks: Story discoverd by Crystal B., Kansas City, MO.)

Awareness Of Child Abuse Can Save Lives
"For the rest of her life, Salamone's daughter will cope with other effects of the abuse, such as learning and emotional disabilities, common with Shaken Baby Syndrome, the second leading cause of child abuse deaths in Indiana. There were eight such deaths last year." Source: Indy Star, MN   more...

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Family Reaches Out and Adopts a Grandfather 
A senior citizen in Italy made a nationwide appeal for a family to adopt him. They did. Could this be a happy trend that could become an international standard?
Alzheimer's Patient Dies By Daughter's Hand
Beverly Weeks was 83-year-old when she was the victim of elder abuse by her own daughter, Georgianne Arneson, 48, of Vista, CA. "Mrs Weeks' body was covered with about 30 bedsores, some of which were so deep that bone was exposed. There was evidence of chronic infection of both skin and bone in some spots, according to the testimony." more...(Special Thanks: Story discoverd by James H., San Marcos, CA.)
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Dog Takes Snake Bite, Saves Boy's Life
Kevin Haskell's beloved dog, Jet, is being treated for a rattle snake bit he received while trying to save Kevin's life. Pets need preventive vaccinations if there are to accompany hikers. more... (Special Thanks: Story discoverd by Rory B., Los Angeles, CA.

Pets' Therapeutic Value For Family Health
"I see a pet -- whether it's a bird or a snake or a dog or a cat -- as an integral part of family relationships," Crimi said. "Having pets healthy, physically and behaviorally, is important to keeping the family healthy, because they contribute a tremendous amount to the family's psychological well-being." Source: The Oregonian. more...

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